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Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District


Carp Management Project Factsheet Document

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Prior Lake Historic Elevations Graph 1970-2015 Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2015 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed Assessment and Aquatic Plant Survey Document

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2015 PLSLWD Aquatic Plant Summary Document

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2013 Upper Prior Lake Subwatershed Stormwater Retrofit Assessment: Phase 1 Document

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Boudin Neighborhood Improvement Project Project

Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District completed retrofit projects on the Boudin neighborhood reconstruction that previously drained untreated to Lower Prior Lake.

PLSLWD Upper Watershed Assessment (2010) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2008 Curlyleaf and Eurasian Watermilfoil Growth Potential based on Lake Sediment Characteristics for Spring, Fish, Upper Prior, and Lower Prior Lakes Document

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1993 Diagnostic & Feasibility Study of Spring and Prior Lakes Document

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2023 Integrated Pest Management Plan (IMP) Document

Aquatic Vegetation Density Mapping - 2022 Report Document

319 Final Report Document

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2022 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed Assessment and Aquatic Plant Survey Document

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Upper Prior Lake Water Quality Report Card (2020 – 2022) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2020-2021 Integrated Pest Management Plan for Common Carp Document

2021 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed Assessment and Aquatic Plant Survey Document

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Upper Prior Lake Water Quality Report Card (2019-2021) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Upper Prior Lake Bathymetry Map Document

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Waterbodies: Topic:
Resource topic:

2020 Water Resources Management Plan Document

Upper Prior Lake Plankton Sampling Report (2020) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2020 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed and Aquatic Plant Survey Report Document

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2019 Upper Prior Lake Alum Treatment Feasibility Study Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2019 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed Report Document

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Upper Prior Lake Water Quality Report Card (2017-2019) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Carp Management Grant Project Factsheet (2015-17) Document

Upper Prior Lake In-Lake Phosphorus Management Plan (2017) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2017 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed Report Document

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2017 Upper Prior In-Lake Phosphorus Management Plan Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Article: Prior Lake Elevation Analysis Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Upper Watershed Volume Reduction Document

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Aquatic Vegetation Density Mapping – BioBase 2015 Report Document

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2016 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Aquatic Plant Evaluation Document

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2016 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed Assessment Document

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Upper prior Lake Water Quality Report Card (2014-2016) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Carp Management Project Factsheet Document

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Prior Lake Historic Elevations Graph 1970-2015 Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2015 Upper and Lower Prior Lake Curlyleaf Pondweed Assessment and Aquatic Plant Survey Document

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2015 PLSLWD Aquatic Plant Summary Document

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2013 Upper Prior Lake Subwatershed Stormwater Retrofit Assessment: Phase 1 Document

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From Flooding to Drought - The Dynamics of Prior Lake's Water Levels News

In the last couple years, we've experienced low and high water levels. The following article offers insight into the factors that contribute to our lake levels and how the PLSLWD takes steps to reduce flooding.

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Happy 2025 - Great news about the Carp Population in Upper Prior Lake News

Since 2015, PLSLWD has been hard at work reducing the carp population in Upper Prior Lake and we've made incredible progress!

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What to know about Blue-Green Algae News

The Watershed District has received a number of reports of suspected Blue-Green Algae this summer. Read the full news story for complete information about it

Upper Prior Lake Alum Treatment Project

Studies by the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District determined Upper Prior Lake was impaired/threatened by an excess of phosphorus and recommended that the phosphorus concentration should be reduced by to achieve water quality goals.

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Boudin Neighborhood Improvement Project Project

Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District completed retrofit projects on the Boudin neighborhood reconstruction that previously drained untreated to Lower Prior Lake.