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Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District


2013 Sediment Coring Study of Spring Lake Document

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Swamp Lake IESF Feasibility Study (2023) Document

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Spring Lake West Feasibility Study (2022) Document

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2021 Upper Watershed Blueprint Document

2019 Upper Prior Lake Alum Treatment Feasibility Study Document

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Prior Lake Stormwater Management & Flood Mitigation Study Document

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2016 Spring Lake Phase II Sediment Monitoring and Alum Treatment Recommendation Document

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Feasibility of a Chemical Treatment System Downstream of Buck Lake (2014) Document

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A Subwatershed Assessment, Water Quality Management and BMP Retrofit Analysis for the Arctic Lake Subwatershed Document

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2013 Phosphorus Release and Accumulation in the Sediments of Fish and Pike Lake Document

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Comparative Analysis of Minnesota Lakes Treated with Alum to Inform Spring Lake Treatment Document

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2013 Upper Prior Lake Subwatershed Stormwater Retrofit Assessment: Phase 1 Document

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2010 Spring Lake Sediment Study – Pre and Post Settlement Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Document

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1993 Diagnostic & Feasibility Study of Spring and Prior Lakes Document

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1993 Diagnostic & Feasibility Study of Spring and Prior Lakes Document

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1983 Diagnostic & Feasibility Study of Spring Lake Document

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